5th December 2015, My Garden in Catford

What a surprise! Haven’t ever seen this species in my garden (or at all actually), and wasn’t really expecting anything much in December. But there’s often fungal things appearing in my pots. (I particularly like the Bird’s Nest fungi, but none this year unfortunately.) I’m not very good at identifying these little brown things…, but I think it’s probably Conocybe dentatomarginata, mainly because it look exactly like the picture in Buczacki although this identification is rather tentative. (A web search for images of Conocybe dentatomarginata produces almost nothing, which is a bit surprising.) Could be a Galerina of some kind instead?

1. Conocybe dentatomarginata.
Growing in rich soil in garden pot. Group of about eight. Cap 0.7-2cm, height up to 3cm. Strong pleasant mushroom smell. Book says it should smell of Pelargoniums but I have no idea what they smell like! ID is guess. Sporeprint tan - not enough to be sure. Spores 7.5-9.5µ x 4.5-6µ.