17th January 2016, My Garden in Catford

Just a lone winter fungal sprouting in my garden. Could be any one of several dapperling species but Stinking Dapperling is quite likely as it’s very common and likes well composted gardens, although the colour is somewhat darker than the pictures in my books.

I feel guilty. I didn’t put this post up for 9 months!  But life gets in the way…

1. Stinking Dapperling (Lepiota cristata).
Growing in soil in garden. One. Cap 4cm, height 4cm. Smell mushroomy, vegetative (potato?), slightly rotten. After cutting, sweet mushroom smell. Some kind of Dapperling. Could be Stinking Dapperling, although slightly off colour and smell not so stinky, but habitat is right. ID is possible.