28th September 2014, Wepham Wood near Angmering

The drought continues…

…so almost nothing to find in the woods. Just some odds and ends, apart from one dramatic find: A log covered with hundreds of Fairy Inkcaps – spectacular!

1. Common Funnel (Clitocybe gibba).
Growing in mixed fir/oak wood. One. Cap 3cm. Faint sweet smell. Sporeprint white. Spores 4.5-6.5µ x 3.5-5µ.

2. Unidentified.
Growing in mixed oak/beech wood. One. cap 4.5cm. Faint smell. Looks a bit like a Deceiver to me, but I've never seen one this big before. Could it be Bicoloured Deceiver? Sporeprint Pale but not enough to really say. Spores 6.5-8µ x 5-7µ.

3. Fairy Inkcap (Coprinus disseminatus).
Covering old log. Hundreds. Cap 0.5-1.5cm. No smell.

4. Honey Fungus (Armillaria mellea).
Growing on wood. Several clusters and others dotted around. Cap 7-15cm.

5. Hares Foot Inkcap (Coprinus lagopus).
Growing on bare earth in woods. One. Cap 3.5cm. ID is almost sure.