6th October 2013, Ladywell Fields

Sometimes I forget to scrutinise my local park properly…, and now I’ve learnt my lesson: Found a fine small mushroom fairy ring. It’s surprising how much it affects the growing grass. And a few days after I found this one I also found a larger one. I didn’t collect and eat the mushrooms as the rings are so striking and delightful that I wouldn’t want to deprive anyone else of seeing them.

1. Fairy Ring Mushroom (Marasmius oreades).
Growing in rings on grass. One small ring about 1.5m acrross, and another about 3m across. Spores 8.5-10.5µ x 5.5-7.5µ.

2. Yellow Stainer (Agaricus xanthodermus).
Smell a bit unpleasant. I’m assuming that they’re yellow stainers due to the strong yellow colour in the stem base although there are a few other Agricus mushrooms with that feature. ID is very likely.

3. Type of Russula.
Growing in grass under beech.