
Phallus impudicus

27th September 2017, Hayes Common
Rooting through leaf litter beside dead oak tree. Two eggs and one broken mature specimen. Eggs 5-6cm across. Mature stalk 11cm if unbroken. Eggs had no smell. Mature specimen had earthy, ripe, sweet, unpleasant smell. Eggs had firm jelly consistency. Mature specimen had flies around. Amusing that the rooting egg looks like a sperm and the mature horn look like a phallus.

27th October 2013, Farran Forest Park, Ireland
Seem to be growing on very rotten wood. Ball 1-3cm. No smell. Immature Stinkhorns. Thought these were puffballs until I noticed a jelly patch on one, and then cut it in half. They’re like alien eggs inside! Shame I can’t come back in a week to see them in their full phallic glory.

20th September 2013, Andrew’s Wood near Shoreham
Past their prime, but the jelly egg at the base is still there.

Adventures of an amateur mushroom hunter